Hamsters and guinea pigs each have their own advantages and disadvantages. Which one is a better choice depends on an individual's needs and preferences.
Appearance and Size
Hamsters: They are small in size, usually weighing only a few dozen grams to over a hundred grams. They have soft fur and relatively long tails.
Guinea Pigs: They are larger in size, usually growing to over 30 centimeters in length and weighing up to about 1.2 kilograms. They have a round and chubby body shape with short and dense hair.
Behavior and Sociability
Hamsters: Most of them are nocturnal animals, relatively independent, but they can also establish connections and interactions with their owners.
Guinea Pigs: They are social animals that like to interact with people and are more likely to form close relationships with humans. They require their owners to spend time with them.
Space and Facility Requirements
Hamsters: Their cages can be relatively small, but still need to provide sufficient space and appropriate facilities such as exercise wheels and hiding places.
Guinea Pigs: They need relatively larger cages and activity spaces to ensure that they have enough room to move around and explore.
Diet and Nutrition
Hamsters: They are omnivorous animals and can eat nuts, seeds, grains, and fresh fruits and vegetables. Their appetite is relatively small, and they only need 10 - 15 grams of hamster food per day.
Guinea Pigs: They are herbivorous animals, mainly relying on hay, fresh vegetables, and a small amount of fruit as their main food sources. They have a larger appetite.
Daily Care
Hamsters: They cannot be bathed with water. Instead, they need to be cleaned with special bath sand. They excrete less but the odor is stronger.
Guinea Pigs: They can be directly bathed with water, and the water temperature needs to be controlled between 35°C and 40°C. Their feces don't smell much but the amount is large, so they need to be cleaned frequently.