Hamsters and guinea pigs have different dietary habits. Hamsters are omnivores and can eat grains, fruits, vegetables, meat, eggs, milk, seafood, etc. While guinea pigs (also known as Dutch pigs) are pure herbivores that mainly feed on forage grass and should not eat too much food rich in carbohydrates and starch.

Dietary Habits of Hamsters
Hamsters are omnivores and can eat grains, fruits, vegetables, meat, eggs, milk, seafood, etc. For example, mealworms and other animal protein foods are very popular among hamsters.
Dietary Habits of Guinea Pigs
Guinea pigs are pure herbivores that mainly feed on forage grass. Although some vegetarian guinea pigs are also not recommended to eat too much food rich in carbohydrates and starch, such as grains.
Differences in the Cost of Raising the Two
In terms of the cost of raising, the initial expense of raising guinea pigs will be higher than that of hamsters because more raising supplies need to be purchased, such as food bowls, water bottles, toilets, hay racks, Timothy grass, food, etc. While the raising supplies for hamsters are relatively simple.