The Staple Foods of Purple Hamsters
The staple food for purple hamsters should be professional hamster feed. This is their main source of food and can provide comprehensive nutrition. It is very important to choose high-quality hamster feed and avoid choosing foods that contain artificial additives and preservatives.
Snacks That Purple Hamsters Can Eat
Nuts: A proper amount of unsalted nuts, such as almonds and peanuts, can provide rich protein and fat. However, pay attention to controlling the feeding amount because nuts have a relatively high fat content.
Fruits: A proper amount of fruits like apples, strawberries, and blueberries are rich in vitamins and fiber. But remember to remove the pits and feed them in moderation.
Vegetables: Fresh vegetables such as carrots, broccoli, and cucumbers can provide vitamins and fiber for hamsters. But make sure to wash and dry them thoroughly to avoid diarrhea caused by too much moisture.
Mealworms: A high-protein food that can make the hamster's fur smoother and shinier. But don't overfeed them. Feeding 2 - 3 times a week is enough.
Animal Protein: A proper amount of insects like mealworms and silkworm pupae are rich in high protein and are a good choice.
Foods That Purple Hamsters Can't Eat
Fruits That Can't Be Eaten: Pears, juicy peaches, almonds (the nuts themselves are okay in moderation but not the pits), and the pits of all fruits because the pits contain substances that are toxic to hamsters.
Vegetables That Can't Be Eaten: Onions, scallions, leeks, garlic, Chinese chives, ginger, peppers, celery, tomatoes (the stems and leaves), and the stems and leaves of potatoes. These vegetables are either toxic or highly irritating to hamsters.
Other Foods That Can't Be Eaten: Milk, chocolate, coffee, alcohol, biscuits, and all kinds of human snacks.