When dealing with the body of a hamster, you can choose methods like burial, cremation or landfill.
Burial is a common way of handling it. You should put the hamster's body into a plastic bag and then choose a place far away from people and water sources to bury it. Also, spread a layer of lime powder both under and above the body to prevent soil pollution.
Besides, you can choose to send the hamster's body to a qualified pet funeral institution for cremation. In this way, you can bring the ashes back as a souvenir. Landfill is also an option, but it's necessary to make sure that the landfill site conducts harmless treatment.
When handling the body of a hamster, the following points need to be noted. First of all, make sure whether the hamster is truly dead, because a state of suspended animation can be reversed by raising the room temperature. Secondly, when burying, keep it far away from people and water sources and take harmless measures. Finally, when choosing cremation or landfill, make sure that the handling institution is qualified so as to ensure that the handling process meets environmental protection requirements.