The temperament of the spotted hamster is not that good. The spotted hamster belongs to the first-generation hamster species, and most first-generation hamsters tend to have a rather irritable temper. When raising it, try your best to avoid forcing the spotted hamster to do certain things. Otherwise, the spotted hamster might bite its owner due to its overly irritable temper. Also, don't approach it rashly when it's not yet familiar with you, as this may also cause it to attack humans because of an overreaction.

The Feeding and Rearing Methods for Spotted Hamsters
1. You need to prepare a suitable cage for it and place the cage in a well-ventilated, shaded, and quiet location. Arrange bedding and a nest inside the cage, and put food bowls, water dispensers, toys and other items in it for the spotted hamster to use.
2. The owner needs to feed it and change the water regularly every day, and dispose of the remaining food and water to prevent the spotted hamster from storing food and getting an inflammation in its cheeks.
3. Clean the cage and the items inside it regularly and change the bedding. Prepare a bathing area and bathing sand, and clean the hamster regularly. Keep a clean and hygienic living environment to prevent the hamster from getting sick due to hygiene problems.