The main reasons why hamsters lose their fur include the following:
Seasonal Molting: Hamsters will naturally shed their old fur during the spring and autumn seasons to adapt to the changes of the seasons. This is a normal physiological phenomenon.
Malnutrition: If a hamster's diet is unbalanced and lacks nutrients such as vitamins and proteins, its fur will become thin, dry, and even fall out.
Disease Factors: Skin diseases, fungal infections, parasites (such as mites and fleas), etc. can cause hamsters to lose their fur.
Stress Response: Stress factors like environmental changes and excessive noise can make hamsters have a stress response, resulting in fur loss.
Genetic Factors: Some hamster breeds are born with relatively thin fur that tends to fall off easily.
Age Factor: As hamsters grow older, their fur will become thinner and even fall off in large areas.
Friction: If the gaps in the cage are too large or the bedding is rough, it will cause the hamster to lose fur in the rubbed areas.
Methods for Preventing and Dealing with Hamster Fur Loss Include:
Provide a balanced diet to ensure that hamsters get enough vitamins and proteins.
Keep the breeding environment clean and quiet to reduce stress responses.
Regularly check the health status of hamsters and promptly detect and deal with skin diseases.
Use soft bedding and avoid rough objects coming into contact with hamsters.
By understanding these reasons and treatment methods, we can help hamsters maintain a healthy fur condition.