Measures to deal with hamster hair loss include:
Change Bedding: Choose bedding that won't cause allergies and avoid using substances like pine shavings that may trigger allergies.

Disinfection and Cleaning: Regularly disinfect the hamster's cage and supplies, remove allergens, and keep the environment dry and clean.
Treat Parasites: If parasites such as demodex mites are found, antibiotics like ivermectin can be used, along with wiping with povidone-iodine disinfectant solution.
Adjust Diet and Environment: Provide a diet suitable for hamsters, avoid additives and preservatives in human food, and maintain appropriate temperature and humidity.
Suggestions for Preventing Hamster Hair Loss:
Provide a Suitable Living Environment: Hamsters need enough space to move around and appropriate temperature and humidity. Avoid using too small cardboard boxes as cages.
Use Special Bathing Sand: Although hamsters have the ability to clean themselves, using special bathing sand can help clean their skin and reduce the risk of bacterial infections.
Pay Attention to Diet: Provide specialized hamster food, avoid feeding them the salt and other additives in human food, and keep their diet light.