It's true that there are bacteria on hamsters, but these bacteria usually don't pose a major threat to human bodies. As pets, hamsters carry some common bacteria, such as Salmonella, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. These bacteria are widespread in the environment, and there are also many bacteria in the human body. Therefore, the bacteria on hamsters won't have a significant impact on human health.

Types of Bacteria Carried by Hamsters and Their Impact on Humans
The bacteria that hamsters may carry include Salmonella, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. These bacteria are widespread in the environment, and there are also many bacteria in the human body. So the bacteria on hamsters won't have a significant impact on human health. As long as you keep the living environment and diet of hamsters clean, and clean and disinfect regularly, you can effectively reduce the risk of bacteria being carried.
How to Reduce Bacteria on Hamsters
Keep the living environment clean: Clean the hamster cages regularly and avoid damp and dirty environments.
Pay attention to diet hygiene: Provide clean food and water sources and prevent hamsters from consuming dirty food.
Clean regularly: Owners can use special bath sand for hamsters to clean them regularly and keep their bodies clean.