Hamsters usually reach sexual maturity at around 3 to 4 months old and can start breeding. However, it's better to wait until they are over 6 months old to breed, so as to ensure that they are in good enough physical and health conditions. The breeding cycle of hamsters is generally 16 to 18 days, and the gestation period is also 16 to 18 days. Each litter of hamsters can give birth to 4 to 12 pups, but it's also possible to have more. After the pups are born, they usually can leave their mother and live independently at around 3 to 4 weeks old.

During pregnancy, hamsters need more nutrition and rest. Provide them with high-quality hamster food and fresh vegetables, such as carrot slices and apple slices, while ensuring an adequate supply of water. Pregnant hamsters prefer a quiet environment and avoid noise and too much disturbance. When giving birth, the mother hamster will choose a quiet corner to have the pups. Don't disturb it at this time. After giving birth, the mother hamster will immediately take care of the pups, lick them clean and nurse them.
To ensure the health and growth of the pups, it's very important to provide enough food and water, as well as appropriate shelters and environments. Meanwhile, pay attention to controlling the breeding quantity of hamsters to avoid overbreeding that may lead to an inability to take care of and handle them.