The signs before a hamster's reproduction mainly include the following aspects:

Changes in Body Shape
The belly of a pregnant hamster will gradually grow larger, and its body shape will turn pear-shaped. The abdomen becomes firm, which is evidence of the existence of the baby hamsters.
Changes in Behavior and Mood
A pregnant hamster may become irritable. It may even fight with male hamsters or bite people. This is a natural reaction to protect the baby hamsters. At the same time, they will start to busily build a nest, preparing a warm home for the upcoming new lives.
Increase in Food and Water Intake
During pregnancy, hamsters need more nutrients to nourish the baby hamsters. Therefore, their food and water intake will increase significantly.
Increase in Water Intake
Around 2 - 3 days before giving birth, a hamster's water intake will increase, and its urine output will also rise. This is because the dropping uterus presses on the bladder.
Changes in Nipples
In the later stage of pregnancy, a hamster's nipples will become obviously swollen, and even a small amount of milk may flow out.
Looking for a Nest to Give Birth
A few hours before giving birth, a hamster will start to wander around the cage, measuring whether the living space is sufficient. This is to avoid squeezing or injuring the baby hamsters due to too little space after giving birth.
As the baby hamsters develop more and more perfectly in the uterus, the mother hamster may show signs of contractions, with its whole body twitching.
Carrying Grass or Leaves
Hamsters will carry grass, leaves, or wood chips to build a nest as a delivery room. This indicates that they are about to give birth.
How to Determine if a Hamster is Pregnant
You can determine whether a hamster is pregnant by doing a B - ultrasound about 15 days after mating. You can also judge by physical signs such as an increase in abdominal circumference and food intake.
Preparatory Measures Before Hamster Reproduction
The owner needs to clean the cage in a timely manner, provide new bedding, and offer shredded medical absorbent cotton or paper strips for the hamster to build a nest. Ensure that the environment is quiet, dimly lit, and well - ventilated to avoid disturbing the hamster's birthing process.