The care after a hamster gives birth mainly includes the following aspects:
Environmental Setup
Place the mother hamster and the baby hamsters in a quiet and dim environment to avoid disturbing them. Soft cotton or wood chips can be used as bedding to ensure the baby hamsters stay warm.

Diet Management
Make sure the mother hamster has an adequate supply of food and water, especially foods high in protein and calcium to support lactation. You can feed an appropriate amount of nutritious foods like mealworms.
Avoid Touching
Never touch the baby hamsters with your hands. This is to prevent leaving human scent, which could cause the mother hamster to reject raising them or even eat them.
Isolate the Male Hamster
Immediately isolate the male hamster after the birth. This is to prevent it from harming the baby hamsters or mating with the mother again due to being in heat.
Observation and Care
As soon as the baby hamsters grow fur, move them out to be raised separately as soon as possible to prevent them from being killed by the mother hamster. At the same time, pay attention to observing the behavior of the mother hamster to ensure she can nurse the baby hamsters smoothly.
By taking these measures, we can effectively help the mother hamster nurse the baby hamsters successfully and ensure their healthy growth.