How much water should a hamster drink every day?

  Hamsters drink about 10 - 20 milliliters of water per day. The specific amount of water intake can be influenced by various factors, including weight, gender, and weather. For example, a 100 - gram hamster needs to drink about 8 - 10 milliliters of water per day. Also, the water intake of adult male and female hamsters varies. Generally, female hamsters drink more water than male hamsters.

  Factors Affecting Hamsters' Water Intake

  Weight: A hamster's water intake is closely related to its weight. Usually, it is 8% - 10% of its own body weight.

  Gender: An adult male hamster may drink 5 milliliters of water per day, while an adult female hamster can drink up to 15 milliliters of water per day.

  Weather: In hot summer, hamsters' water intake increases, so the water needs to be changed more frequently.

  Precautions for Hamsters' Drinking Water

  Water Source Selection: It is recommended to give hamsters mineral water or cooled boiled water. Avoid letting them drink tap water directly to prevent gastrointestinal discomfort.

  Water Bottle: Domestic hamsters usually drink water from a water bottle. The owner just needs to fill the water bottle with water, and the hamster will drink on its own.

  Replacement Frequency: To ensure the cleanliness of the water, it is advisable to change the water daily. Especially in summer, it is best to change the water every 1 - 2 days.

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