You can tell if a hamster is pregnant by observing its physical changes, behavioral habits, and physiological reactions.
Physical Changes
The abdomen of a pregnant hamster will gradually grow larger. Especially around the 15th to 20th day of pregnancy, the abdomen will bulge noticeably, taking on a pear - shaped body. In addition, the mammary glands will gradually develop. Around the 20th to 25th day of pregnancy, distinct mammary gland protrusions will appear on the chest, which is known as the "double row of buttons." This indicates that the mother hamster is preparing for giving birth.
Behavioral Habits
Pregnant hamsters will be less active and become more lethargic. This is due to the enlarged abdomen and increased weight. They may exhibit nesting behavior, actively collecting materials to build a nest. They also show a stronger sense of territory and are more sensitive to changes in the surrounding environment.
Physiological Reactions
Pregnant hamsters will have an increased appetite. They need more nutrients to support the growth of the fetuses, so both their food and water intake will increase significantly. Moreover, they may show signs of anxiety and mood changes, and be aggressive towards male hamsters.
Scientific Care for Pregnant Hamsters
- Provide a Comfortable Environment: Make sure the cage is clean and tidy. Provide soft bedding and appropriate warming facilities. Avoid loud noises and disturbances.
- Maintain a Balanced Diet: Besides the special hamster feed, you can add protein, vitamin, and mineral supplements, such as cooked eggs and fish. Also, ensure there is an adequate supply of fresh water.
- Observe the Physical Condition: Closely monitor the mother hamster's weight, appetite, and behavioral changes. If you notice any abnormal conditions, consult a veterinarian promptly.
By following these methods, you can effectively determine whether a hamster is pregnant and provide scientific care for them.