Whether expired hamster food can still be fed to hamsters depends on the storage conditions and the state of the hamster food.

Storage Conditions: If the hamster food has been stored properly, such as in a dry, cool place with an intact package, it can still be fed to hamsters even if it has expired for a while. However, if the hamster food is stored in a humid or high - temperature environment, it may deteriorate, and in this case, it should not be fed any longer.
Signs of Deterioration: If the hamster food shows signs of mold, has an off - odor, or has clumped together, it indicates that it has deteriorated and should no longer be fed to hamsters.
Treatment Suggestions: To ensure the health of hamsters, it is recommended to regularly check the expiration date and storage state of the hamster food, and replace expired or deteriorated food in a timely manner. In addition, choosing a reliable hamster food brand and paying attention to the storage environment can effectively extend the usable time of the hamster food.