Hamsters can eat raw rice and cooked rice, but each has its pros and cons.
Pros and Cons of Raw Rice and Cooked Rice

Raw Rice
Advantages: Raw rice is relatively crispy and hard. It's less likely to stick to a hamster's teeth or cheek pouches, which helps keep the oral cavity clean.
Disadvantages: Raw rice is difficult to digest. It may put a strain on a hamster's digestive system. Also, it may carry bacteria or parasites, posing a potential threat to the hamster's health.
Cooked Rice
Advantages: Cooked rice is easy to digest. The starch becomes more accessible for hamsters to absorb. Moreover, the cooking process can kill bacteria or parasites, reducing the risk of illness.
Disadvantages: Cooked rice is sticky. It easily adheres to a hamster's teeth and cheek pouches, which may lead to dental problems or difficulties in cleaning the cheek pouches.
Hamsters' Dietary Requirements and Health Tips
Dietary Requirements
Hamsters are omnivores and need a balanced and easily - digestible diet. In a home - breeding environment, special hamster food should be provided as the staple food, and rice can be given as a supplementary food or snack.
Health Tips
Whether it's raw rice or cooked rice, it should be fed in moderation. Overfeeding may lead to nutritional imbalance or indigestion. For cooked rice, avoid adding seasonings or oils, as this may burden the hamster's digestive system.
Hamsters' Dietary Preferences and Individual Differences
Dietary Preferences
Different hamster breeds may have different dietary preferences. Some hamsters may be more inclined to raw rice, while others may prefer cooked rice.
Individual Differences
Adjustments should be made according to the individual differences and personal preferences of hamsters. Observe their condition after eating, such as whether there are abnormal excretions or changes in appetite, and use this to determine if the diet plan needs to be adjusted.