What vegetables do hamsters eat in winter?

  The vegetables that hamsters can eat in winter include broccoli, carrots, pumpkins, corn, cucumbers, bell peppers, and kale, etc. These vegetables are rich in vitamins, fiber, and minerals, which are beneficial to the health of hamsters. For example, broccoli is rich in vitamins and fiber, which helps with cardiovascular health and blood sugar control. Carrots contain vitamins A, C, K, and potassium, which are good for digestion and the immune system. Pumpkins contain beta - carotene, vitamins A, C, E, and various minerals, which can improve digestion and enhance immunity.

  In winter, a hamster's diet needs to be adjusted appropriately to adapt to the cold weather. Increasing the protein and fat content in their food is crucial. You can give them more nuts and high - quality hamster food to help them store energy and resist the cold. At the same time, keep the drinking water clean and warm to avoid a decrease in the hamster's water intake due to overly low water temperature. In addition, provide a warm and comfortable nest, with enough cotton or wood shavings as insulating materials inside, to ensure that the hamster can spend the winter safely.

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