The frequency of changing the wood shavings for hamsters is usually once a week, but the specific frequency can vary depending on factors such as the season, the number of hamsters, and the size of the cage.

Changing Frequencies in Different Seasons
Summer: Due to the high temperature, hamster excrement can easily produce odors and accelerate the growth of bacteria. It is recommended to change the wood shavings every 3 - 7 days.
Winter: With lower temperatures, hamsters are less active and their excrement is correspondingly reduced. You can change the wood shavings every 10 - 15 days. If the living environment is warm, it can be changed every two weeks.
Spring and Autumn: The temperature is suitable, hamsters are more active, and their excrement increases. It is recommended to change the wood shavings once a week.
Changing Frequencies with Different Numbers of Hamsters
Single Hamster: If there is only one hamster in the cage, with less excrement, the wood shavings can be changed every 7 - 10 days.
Multiple Hamsters: If there are multiple hamsters in the cage, the amount of excrement will increase. It is recommended to change the wood shavings every 3 - 5 days to prevent odors and the growth of bacteria.
Changing Frequencies for Different Cage Sizes
Small Cage: With limited space, excrement tends to accumulate. It is recommended to change the wood shavings every 5 - 7 days.
Large Cage: The space is larger, and excrement is relatively more spread out. The wood shavings can be changed every 10 - 14 days.
Determining the Changing Frequency by Observing the State of the Wood Shavings
Odor Situation: When the wood shavings start to emit a distinct stench, they should be changed immediately.
Moisture Level: If the wood shavings become damp and feel wet to the touch, they also need to be changed in a timely manner.
Degree of Dirtiness: When there are a lot of feces or food residues in the wood shavings, the wood shavings should be replaced.