A premonition of hamster giving birth to a baby

  The signs before a hamster gives birth mainly include the following aspects:

  Increased Water Intake and Urination: Two to three days before giving birth, the hamster's water intake will increase significantly, and the amount of urine will also increase accordingly. This is because the more babies there are in the belly, the greater the water intake and the amount of urine will be.

  Body Shape Change: The body shape of a pregnant hamster will become larger, especially the belly part will bulge obviously. The body shape change of a hamster carrying multiple babies will be even more noticeable.

  Labor Pains: As the babies develop, the mother hamster may show signs of labor pains, and the phenomenon of her whole body shuddering will occur frequently.

  Behavioral Changes: Before giving birth, the hamster will become quieter than usual, with a reduced amount of activity, and will prefer to stay in the nest to rest. Her nipples will swell, and there may even be a small amount of milk flowing out. There may also be a small amount of bloody discharge from the vulva.

  Nest Searching Behavior: A few hours before giving birth, the hamster will start to wander around the cage to measure whether the activity space is sufficient.

  How to Take Care of a Pregnant Hamster:

  Provide a Quiet Environment: Before the hamster gives birth, make sure to provide a quiet and safe environment, and avoid creating too much noise and interference.

  Prepare a Comfortable Nest: The mother hamster will start to tidy up and build a nest before giving birth. The owner can provide some materials such as clean pads, grass, paper scraps, and cotton to help them create a comfortable environment.

  Provide Sufficient Food and Water: Ensure that the hamster has enough food and water, especially before and after giving birth. Provide nutritious food and clean water.

  Avoid Touching the Cubs: It is best not to touch the baby hamsters after the mother hamster gives birth, so as not to affect the mother hamster's nursing behavior.

  By observing these signs and taking appropriate care measures, you can better take care of a pregnant hamster and ensure that she gives birth smoothly and grows healthily.

Article link:Pet hamster home » A premonition of hamster giving birth to a baby

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